

Jason Demetri

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The Fading of Forgiveness

Tracing the disappearance of the thing we need most.


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How Much Truth Is There in Beauty?

Would you eat an ugly cucumber? Millions of dollars ride on your answer to that question. So does a lot of theology. According to a recent study published in The Journal of Marketing, tons of produce and other food is tossed out every year in the United States as...

A Letter to C.S. Lewis

Professor C.S. Lewis The Kilns, Lewis Close, Headington, Oxfordshire, UK Dear Professor C.S. Lewis, I hardly mean to bother you. I know you receive thousands of letters each year and that it is your habit to answer all of your mail. I do not want to burden you with...

Dear America

Dear America, You have a memory and history problem. As a political science professor, I am privy to the background and the foreground of the cultural moment as I live vicariously through the lives of my students—active consumers and budding culture makers that they...

Welcome to the Apocalypse

The Veritas Forum hosted a commencement speech contest for the class of 2020, together with Comment and Augustine Collective. As Veritas wrote in the invitation to graduating seniors, “Some people describe commencement speeches as “cultural barometers” that offer...

We Are the Unprecedented Ones

The Veritas Forum hosted a commencement speech contest for the class of 2020, together with Comment and Augustine Collective. As Veritas wrote in the invitation to graduating seniors, “Some people describe commencement speeches as “cultural barometers” that offer...

Memento Mori

WWhat am I looking for? An out of date announcement of my own death? —Stephen Maturin via Patrick O'BrienI see it most clearly the morning after a late night, or at the end of a long and tiresome day. I straighten from the bow I take when I wash my face, I take a...

Lost Word: Tribe

tribe noun \    ˈˈtrīb    \    a people to be together who we cannot be alone. Tribe is the place we live breathe and have our very (human) being together. We were born to ///be very whole, ///be very loved ///be very known. We long to feel the sweet serenade of love...

Reflections on Peacekeeping

I stare at the two envelopes in my hand and feel the fury rise in my throat. I am helping my parents sort through their mail after a trip, helping settle them back into their tiny independent living apartment, helping. The rage astonishes me. Rage toward political...

Meeting Grace

I laid breathless on my back, staring in the direction where my feet would normally be, at an enormous, bulging belly. I gently caressed the ball-shaped appendage, shooting Dave an assuring grin and a thumbs-up as it tightened and relaxed through contractions. The...

Of Loves and Laws

Legality is not morality, this we know. But the relationship between the two is always worth scrutinizing, bound up as it is in foundational questions of truth and conscience, human nature and social change, justice and order. As the flows of human migration continue...

Patchwork Patterns

In need of a small victory and a tactile point of focus, I dedicated a few evenings to mending. Inspired by the beautifully useful Japanese art of sashiko and compelled by a bike-chain-shredded hole in a favourite red jumper, I patched the elbow with geometric...

A Letter to Love

Dear Love, Have you noticed how easily people seem to claim my work for yours lately? To be blunt, I am as offended as I am proud. You may be the star of today’s vernacular, but you’ve become nearly obsolete in practice. And me? Well, I have become a master of...

Renewing the Church for the Sake of the World

The fabric of civilization is unravelling, the barbarians have broken through the gates, and looming threats to society have left the ruling elite anxious, unnerved, looking for someone to blame. So they turn to Christians and the church. The scene will feel contemporary, but in fact it is the opening context for Augustine’s fifth-century apologetic, […]


Hog Butcher for the World, Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat, Player with Railroads and the Nation’s Freight Handler; Stormy, husky, brawling, City of the Big Shoulders: They tell me you are wicked and I believe them, for I have seen your painted women under the gas lamps...