
Chris Cooke

Chris Cooke is the Executive Director of PULSE, the Pittsburgh Urban Leadership Service Experience, an organization that cultivates a community of young servant leaders to transform Pittsburgh. He also works for the CCO campus ministry with his wife Kelly, working with student athletes at the University of Pittsburgh. A California native, Chris enjoys the beach, the mountains, a good game of basketball and reading Wendell Berry.

Living Faithfully in the Industrial Town

Our task is not only to see the industrial town as it "is," in all its brokenness and fragmentation, but also to see it as it "could be," to imagine a different town in light of God's redemptive work and purpose. Unfortunately, too many of us live in the world as "is" and haven't developed the imagination to see God's hand at work in shaping what "could be." Frontiers need people who have the eyes to see and ears to hear a new reality of a Kingdom that is "already, but not yet."


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Living Faithfully in the Industrial Town

Our task is not only to see the industrial town as it “is,” in all its brokenness and fragmentation, but also to see it as it “could be,” to imagine a different town in light of God’s redemptive work and purpose. Unfortunately, too many of us live in the world as “is” and haven’t developed the imagination to see God’s hand at work in shaping what “could be.” Frontiers need people who have the eyes to see and ears to hear a new reality of a Kingdom that is “already, but not yet.”