
Clifford Blake Anderson

Clifford Blake Anderson is Curator of Reformed Research Collections in the Princeton Theological Seminary Library. He lives in Cranbury, NJ with his wife Rosanna, who is a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Signs of hope: a “Comment” symposium

Comment asked regular contributors to tell us of signs of hope they see in their daily work, in the spheres of culture where they are most active, or in the world at large. What follows is their observations and reflections. —The Editors


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Neocalvinism . . . Abraham Kuyper? Maybe.

In the thought tradition given impetus by the late 19th and early 20th century’s preacher-politician of the Netherlands, Connecticut Congregationalist Clifford Blake Anderson finds a genuinely public and prophetic theology . . . with certain reservations. Chief among these is the question of how any tradition—including neocalvinism—may be prophetically self-critical.