

Complex Societies and the Structure of Reality

Second of a three-part series on pluralism, edited and excerpted from James W. Skillen and Rockne M. McCarthy, eds., Political Order and the Plural Structure of Society, © 1991 Emory University. Used by permission of Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids,...

Buildings That Are Poems

A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977, 1216 pp, $104) In 1977, Christopher Alexander and his Center for Environmental Structure colleagues unleashed the...

Editorial: As business ought to be

"It has often happened to me, at book fairs or in bookstores, that a gentleman approaches me and asks for my signature," writes Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa (The New Republic, May 14, 2001). "'It is for my wife, my young daughter, or my mother', he explains....


Travelling through the vast agricultural landscape to Johannesburg—to pay our respects to my two-day old niece—was, as always, an awesome spectacle.Vast recently harvested fields of dried corn and decapitated sunflower stalks; three guinea fowl perched atop a...

Reason, Community and the Common Good

Second of a three-part series on pluralism, edited and excerpted from James W. Skillen and Rockne M. McCarthy, eds., Political Order and the Plural Structure of Society, © 1991 Emory University. Used by permission of Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids,...

Chardin’s Kitchens

A more expansive version of this article appeared in Rainbows for the Fallen World (Toronto: Tuppence Press, 1980). Eating good food in good company is an important human activity. As the bedroom is rather basic to a marriage, so the kitchen, I dare say, is...

Hiking in the Bieszczady Mountains

Fifteen liquid cuckoo calls echo through the forest across the valley, competing with the deep bass of thunder as mist rolls into the valley like gamboling dragons. As we hike up and along the mountain-spines, lightning strikes the high places on either side of us—no...

The Future of Federalism

Comment intends to tackle the big questions of Canadian public life. Few questions are as enduring, loom as large, or are as contentious at the moment as that of the Canadian federal regime. What is Canadian federalism supposed to be? How is it supposed to work? With...