- Dreams that take shape and come alive before my eyes.
- Networks of people working together for maximum impact.
- Creative projects which surpass expectations.
- Reports with stories, photos, and YouTube clips which prove the good that’s been done.
- Meeting countless dedicated and passionate people.
- Recognizing the freedom from slavery to accumulate more.
- Twenty-somethings full of ideas, brimming with optimism.
- Taking risks on the untried and unproven.
- Celebrating non-profit innovation at annual awards each spring.
- The shock on the winner’s face, and tears of gratitude.
- Discovering the impact of grants through good stories and “stats.”
- Getting my shoes dirty on visits to the field.
- Walking the streets of downtown Toronto.
- Walking the streets of downtown Kabul.
- Friendship with a young Kabuli who has no idea what I do for a living. Our simple-English online conversations contain many emoticons.
- Shy smiles behind the burkas.
- Celebrating ten-minute-old “preemie” twins born by c-section in Kabul’s CURE hospital.
- My fantastic, generous team.
- Family members who are learning to give effectively.
- Hearing the stories of how teenagers in our family have been changed through their giving.
- Encountering and being changed by the arts.
- Discovering an inspiring band at the Red Rooster in Burlington.
- Helping select and then meeting 35<35 Christian leaders (35under35.ca).
- Serving on the board of a leading microfinance provider, Opportunity International.
- Discovering that microbankers make house calls.
- Visiting clients in Olaya Barrio in Cartagena, Colombia, and seeing neighbours band together for support.
- Knowing investing in microfinance for low income earners allows donations to revolve three times per year, working endlessly into the future.
- The PIGS (“Professionals in Grantmaking Society”), an informal gathering of friends who work for foundations.
- Talking philanthropy and learning lots from my PIGS friends.
- The $3.99 breakfast at Daryl’s Catfish Restaurant with philanthropy mentor, Fred, in Tyler, Texas.
- Meeting development professionals who really love raising money.
- Being challenged by lofty, God-I-need-more-faith fundraising targets.
- Releasing a request for proposals, and seeing twenty organizations benefit from professional development.
- Birthing a new website. Well, I didn’t like the birthing bit, but the end result I’m pretty happy with.
- Buying boxes of books, and giving them away at Christmas.
- Meeting with thought leaders on Parliament Hill, thanks to the Work Research Foundation.
- Collaborating with other donors to advance a strategic purpose.
- Informal consulting with other donors concerning their philanthropic goals.
- Gleefully abandoning the comfortable isolation wealth can bring. While easier, it’s not better, nor healthier.
- Not funding old, tired stuff.
- A flexible schedule.
- Tall americanos from Starbucks at my secondary office space.
- Time to blog.
- Blogging unconventional thoughts.
- Time to be contemplative.
- Views from the 30,000 foot level.
- Views from street level.
- Enjoying the prospect of a fallow year to let our portfolio rest and renew.
- Knowing our support is much more than just financial.
- Positioning myself so I can be transformed by that which touches God’s heart.
The Sacrifice of Grass
On the cosmic significance of a humble plant.