

Tasty summer selections

Byron Borger knows more about books than is probably healthy. He’s a small-town bookseller with a mail-order business, especially for students and those involved with campus life. Borger’s picks are accessible “starters” for this summer’s reading.

Loving God, for beginners

How can I love someone I have never seen? Perhaps by thinking of my relationship with Him in the same way as with my earthly loved ones—no shortcuts, no superficiality.

Stories I love

Are “chick flicks” your movies of choice? Is Jane Austen or Bridget Jones a guilty pleasure? Anne Dayton writes that human beings—female AND male—”are in love with love.” We were made that way.

Loving technology, loving God

A successful software engineer (turned Luddite, then back), Rosie Perera wonders if we’ve forgotten what the Apostle Paul might have said: “Technology is permissible—even good in many ways—but I will not be enslaved by it.”