
Aaron Lee Benson

Aaron Lee Benson is Chairman and Professor of Fine Arts in Sculpture and Ceramics at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. He works mainly in clay, producing large scale architectural forms as well as figurative, narrative monoliths.

He received a BFA, BS in Art Education and his MFA in Sculpture/Ceramics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is married to Elizabeth Jane Brown Benson and they have four children: Aaron Tennessee, Mary Elizabeth, Zachariah Chyanne and Sarah Blessing and two grandchildren Reese Jane and Cora Willow. They make their home in Jackson, where Lee maintains two studios.

Lee’s work is widely shown throughout the south and northeast including Key West Sculpture Park, Fredonia Sculpture Project at SUNY in Fredonia NY, Northshore Sculpture Park in Chicago IL, University of Notre Dame, Sarratt Gallery, Vanderbilt, The Louise Jones Brown Gallery, Duke University, MOBIA Museum in NYC, University of Arkansas and The University of Nebraska at Omaha. He has won several public works commissions including works for the Summer Olympics in Atlanta in 1996, The State of Alabama and the city of Rome, Georgia.

Death is an Unacceptable Climax to Life

Cold patina, low fire stoneware 8' x 2' x 2'Death fails to accomplish what anyone would consider as the climax to something as grand as life. I feel strongly about the inadequacies of the evolution theory to answer my deepest longings and questions.

That Thin Eternal Line

I have been working on the concept of time and its varied natures, specifically its relentlessness. Nothing stops time, and even though time offers us our only vehicle by which we can exist as human beings, it is also terribly inconvenient and often hostile to our...