
Bill Van Groningen

Willis (Bill) Van Groningen spent his early years in Australia, his higher educational years in middle America, and his formative vocational years in Canada. Campus ministry—intellectually engaged pastoral presence—is his vocational sweet spot. He served as a campus minister at Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, for 17 years, spent 8 years in leadership service within his denominational offices, and most recently has served 5 years as Chaplain at Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, IL. He is married to Connie, and together they celebrate the gift of children and grandchildren. In his youth he learned how to throw a boomerang; more recently, the memory of how to do that has not been returning to him.

The Megachurch and Social Architecture: Realities and Questions

Could it be that megachurches are not so much the result of creative, bigger-is-better innovation, but instead the predictable byproduct of tempestuous social change?


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