
Craig Giera

Before hearing “the call” I did what any artist does. Of course, that is a loaded statement. I received a Bachelors in Fine Arts at Wayne State University with a double concentration in painting and sculpture. After working for a number of years in a gallery, and being denied to the graduate schools in which I applied, I retreated into the silence of my apartment turned studio to focus on new work. In the paint and solitude I heard God and found myself.

I am currently in my sixth and final year at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit on the way toward ordained ministry as a Catholic priest. Within that time I have received my Bachelors Degree in Philosophy and I am currently working on a Masters of Divinity.

Art and creativity is the forum where I found God, or rather, where God spoke to me. My hope is that the creative arts today will be an arena where others will hear and see the love of Christ as well.



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