
Daniel Siedell

Daniel A. Siedell is Director of Theological & Cultural Practices at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and curator of, the online resource ministry of Tullian Tchividjian. He will serve as a Scholar-in-Residence for the New City Arts Initiative in Charlottesville, Virginia during academic year, 2012-13.

His publications include Weldon Kees and the Arts at Midcentury (University of Nebraska Press, 2003), Martínez Celaya: Early Work (Whale & Star, 2006), and God in the Gallery (Baker Academic, 2008). He is at work with theologian Bill Dyrness on a forthcoming book for InterVarsity Press on religion and modern art.

He and his wife of twenty years live with their three teenaged children in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

They Who Have Ears to Hear, Let Them See?

Considering aspects of modern art that have been despised by most theologians and Christian art writers.


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