
Sørina Higgins

Sørina Higgins is an adjunct faculty member in English at Penn State Lehigh Valley and at Lehigh Carbon Community College. Her new full-length poetry collection, Caduceus, is available on and Barnes & Noble. She is the Book Review Editor of Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal, a staff writer for Curator, and a blogger about the arts and faith at iambic admonit. She holds an M.A. from Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf School of English. Sørina and her husband live in Kutztown, PA, in a home they built themselves.

An Artist in the Dark

When darkness comes, some artists create their best work through it, while others lie in paralyzed despair. Does God use both?


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When darkness comes, some artists create their best work through it, while others lie in paralyzed despair. Does God use both?

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