
Vessels of Myth

Vessels of Myth

Superhero mythology is the direct product of a Judeo-Christian worldview and as such complements Jewish and Christian worldviews in important ways. The “S” shield has ever been an ally of the cross.

My Third Third

My Third Third

Then, oh so deliberately, we walked up the hill in an intimate silence that looked like respect and felt like fear. For a moment, I thought we might hold hands. There but for the grace and all that.

Worldview by Sound Bite

Worldview by Sound Bite

We humbly suggest to a secular audience and to Christians that God is much bigger and the Christian story of surrendering to God’s love is much better and more beautiful than many of us have ever been told.

Showing Us Our Inconsistent Selves

Showing Us Our Inconsistent Selves

According to The Hobbit, the twenty-first century loves pre-teen bathroom humour, absurd chase scenes, sentimental mush about home and family—and other-wordly beauty and heights of awe. Thank you, Mr. Jackson.