A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
Comment is on the road again. Editor Gideon Strauss will speak for the first time at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, bringing his unique perspective on worldviews and vocations for Christian university students. Don’tt miss this rare opportunity to meet him and other Comment and Cardus staff, while enjoying pizza and drinks on the house. The lecture will be preceded by an exhibit near Calvin’s library from 10 am – 1 pm, and followed by an informal Q&A from 7-8 pm.
More info on the event can be found on Facebook or at cardus.ca.
. . . Don’t forget Comment‘s favourite student conference, just around the corner. Jubilee 2009 in Pittsburgh, Penn. will feature Andy Crouch (Culture Making), Jessica Jackley Flannery (Kiva), Gabe Lyons (Fermi Project), Tom & Christine Sine (Mustard Seed Associates), Mike Goheen (The Drama of Scripture), Lauren Winner (Real Sex), Bill Edgar (Heaven in a Nightclub), and about two dozen more speakers, plus worship, workshopping, and worldviewing like you’ve never seen. We made up that last word. And, of course, Comment will be there in force, with an unprecedented four staffers attending, including new associate editor Alissa Wilkinson!
Register now for this dynamite event, coming to the terrific Westin Convention Center, Fri Feb. 13 thru Sun Feb. 15, 2009. Click here to register, or here for more info.
. . . Comment recommends the Daily Routines blog, which describes the work habits of highly effective people in many fields. These descriptions are gleaned from interviews, letters, books, and other writings, and include people as diverse as C.S. Lewis, Charles Darwin, Philip Roth, and Emily Dickinson.
. . . And finally, Comment draws your attention to NEED Magazine. NEED has a unique mission—not to change the world but to tell the stories of people and organizations who are. They are an independent educational journal that is non-political, with a strong photo journalism approach to their work. Based in Minneapolis, their high-quality quarterly publication is a great way to learn about effective humanitarian projects around the world.