A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
Andi Ashworth and Charlie Peacock, co-founders of Art House America, launched today the new AHA blog: www.arthouseamerica.com: “A virtual Art House—not just visually, but also in the words and ideas within the topics we will cover. Just as the catalytic work of Art House America has grown over the years, this blog will grow, too, and we canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t wait to see how it takes shape at its own pace. This blog reflects the time and space of real life.”
. . . Accompanying today’s “The Case for Dynamic Music History” is a decades-old essay by Calvin Seerveld, bearing deep echoes to the former: Footprints in the Snow.” Originally published under that title in Philosophia Reformata 56 (1991), 1-34, Comment offers the work here for personal research and/or private study. It will be included in its entirety in volume four of a projected five-volume work of collected essays and lectures by Dr. Seerveld to be published beginning in 2011 by Dordt College Press. We thank Dordt College Press and editor Dr. John Kok for the use of this essay.
. . . Finally, readers get a double shot of David Greusel today. Paired with his on-Broadway work “These Witnesses,” he writes also in After Hours about North American church architecture being uniformly, if not universally bad. Also, earlier this week, Robert wrote a reflection entitled “Fast or Slow Justice? Civitas in Retrospect.”