A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
CALL FOR ARTISTS: Comment Magazine is seeking contributors for our weekly 1,000 Words feature. We showcase emerging and established photographers, painters and other visual artists, by posting a new photo online each week with accompanying artist statements. Participating artists receive exposure to 3,500 weekly readers, and two years’ complimentary subscription to the quarterly print Comment.
Comment invites artists to submit a piece of work to be considered for inclusion in this feature. It will be reviewed and, if accepted, prepared for web publication online.
Invite your friends, colleagues and family members to join this exciting feature, and become a part of the Comment community! Email managing editor Dan Postma: dpostma@cardus.ca.
. . . For a discussion of similar concerns to those discussed in last week’s symposium “Ashamed of the gospel?” see Tim Challies’s blog review of the book Unfashionable by Tullian Tchividjian, and the comments section of that blog entry, and the reciprocal discussion on Pastor Tchividjian’s own blog.
. . . Comment friend and collaborator David Naugle is featured on the most recent Mars Hill Audio, #96, on the deeper meaning of happiness, the disordering effects of sin, and the reordering of love made possible in our redemption.
. . . Finally, one last reminder that CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts) will stage their biennial conference at Bethel University in Minneapolis, June 17-21, 2009. “While Christians have long-long debated the nature of their relationship to ‘culture,’ they have made relatively little progress in actually defining what this ‘culture‘ is. To state the obvious, our engagement with contemporary culture is complex, and the nature of this complexity is the central theme of the 2009 CIVA Biennial Conference.”