A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
The Hekman Library at Calvin College has put online an amazing collection of theological and philosophical works.
The Post-Reformation Digital Library is a collection of resources relating to the development of theology during the Post-Reformation / Early Modern era (ca. 16th-18th c.), hosted by the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies of Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. For those who engage in academic research, the online accessibility of these works will prove very helpful.
. . . And for readers near Guelph, Ontario, Guelph Campus Ministry will host—as part of its annual Christianity and Culture Lecture Series—Dr. James K. A. Smith, Comment author and associate professor of philosophy at the above-mentioned Calvin College. On January 21, 2010, 7:00 pm at the University of Guelph’s War Memorial Hall, Smith will speak on “Rethinking the Secular and the Religious: Exploration in Postmodern Fiction and Philosophy.” More info: www.guelphcm.ca.