A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
Comment author Daniel Nayeri‘s young adult novel, Another Faust, co-authored with his sister, was recently released. It’s a darkly mesmerizing retelling of the Faustian legend—this time, set in an exclusive prep school on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Five teenagers have some strange powers, and as they use them, they start to uncover the consequences of their desires.
. . . And Comment‘s very favourite event, Jubilee by the Coalition for Christian Outreach, is offering returning students a special rate of $209 (USD) for its 2010 conference, themed “In Him All Things Hold Together.” The February 19-21 conference in Pittsburgh will feature speakers including John M. Perkins, Mako Fujimura, David Dark, Denis Haack, Chris Klein, David Naugle, and many more. And, of course, Comment wouldn’t miss it. Come join us!