A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church’s Center for Faith & Work has a truly excellent lecture series lined up for the next year, culminating in the first weekend-long Faith & Work Conference in Fall 2011. Speakers include:
November 21, 2010: ANDY CROUCH
January 30, 2011: TIM KELLER
February 27, 2011: ADRIENNE CHAPLIN
March 20, 2011: ROBERT GEORGE
April 17, 2011: OS GUINNESS
May 22, 2011: JAMES K.A. SMITH
Click here for more information on these free lectures in New York City.
. . . And After Hours this week, Robert reviewed Exiles from Eden and mused about religious NGOs being the most practical and effective at delivering foreign aid. And Milton pointed to a great Fast Company feature on 10 Fast Cities with a photo and micro-description (6 words max) of each.