Suppers Archive
A magazine at its heart is an aspirational community. But so often we read something, put it down, and move on. Gather a group of six to ten people together to share a meal and conversation around the topic of the latest Comment.
Vol 42 | No 1
- What forms does violence tend to take in North American society?
- What are the most pervasive forms of non-physical violence in North American society?
- Is violence ever justified, or is it always evil?
- What is the relationship between violence and authority?
- Why do love and grace so often provoke violence?
Discussion Guides
- “Why We Cancel” by April LawsonÂ
- “Mutual Endangerment Society” by Leah Libresco Sargeant
Maybe try a wild game stew, or if you’re looking for something less violent, this red lentil curry is delicious.
Church, Where Are You?Â
Vol 41 | No 4
- When you hear the word “church”, what do you think of?
- If you have a picture of “the ideal church” in your head, what informs that picture?
- What do you think makes covenantal commitments so hard today?
- When you reflect on Jesus’s words to his disciples in his final moments before being betrayed
and crucified, what moves you most? Is there something for us to pay particular attention to as we discern the call of the church in our own time?
Discussion Guides
- “How Not to Be a Schismatic” by Jeff Reimer
- “The Silent Revival” by Aryana Petrosky
This chicken chili with lime and avocado is a crowd favourite, every time.
Gender and Our Humanity
Vol 41 | No 3
- How has your conception of gender changed over your life? Over the last decade? Over the last year? How has it stayed the same?
- How is it that all sides in the gender wars see themselves as embattled and oppressed? What is the dynamic that causes that mindset?
- What does healthy masculinity look like? What about healthy femininity? What examples of them have you experienced in your life?
- What positive aspects of your own gender do you feel you’ve brought to bear in a healthy way on your life’s vocations and roles?
- In what ways is gender rooted in biology? In what ways is it not?
- In what ways does your religious tradition help or enhance discussions around gender? In what ways does it make them more difficult?
Discussion Guides
- “What Men Are For” by Richard Reeves
- “Can Feminism and Evangelical Christianity Coexist?” by Miranda Kennedy
We recommend Sesame Chicken with Cashews and Dates paired with De Wetshof Limestone Hill Chardonnay.
Seedbeds of Social Change
Vol 41 | No 2
- What kind of movement would inspire your participation? What would animate it? What would be its telos?
- Do hope and fear ever work together productively? Or are they necessarily opposite?
- What appeals to you more when it comes to social change: the private, hidden aspect of movement-stirring, or public activism and leveraging of power?
- What are the common ingredients in social movements that bring about positive change?
We recommend Mozzerella and Feta Pita Grilled Cheese paired with La Valentina Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo DOC.Â
Charting Social Change
Vol 41 | No 1
- Where do you fall on the top-down versus bottom-up question of social change? Why?
- Is conversion–whether individual or societal–more about fulfillment or overthrow?
- Does online life change the nature of your relationships or just foreground your desire for connection?
- How does the concept of
 “spiritual motherhood” strike you? Can you recall a time when you’ve been the beneficiary of its logic?
- What broad cultural shift has been hardest on you over the last decade? Conversely, is there one that has eased the way for greater faithfulness?
We recommend a Spring Vegetable Gnocchi paired with Domaine de l’Aumonier, Touraine, Sauvignon Blanc.Â
The Restoration of the Human
Vol 40 | No 4
- What types of experiences draw you to wonder? What inhibits it?
- Is humanity a quantifiable thing? Have you ever had a time when you felt fully human?
- Have you ever refused to do something because you feel it diminishes your, or someone else’s, humanity?
- Is suffering intrinsic to being human? Why or why not?
- How do you talk to your children about what sex is and is for? If you don’t have kids, how do you think you would talk to them about it?
- What practices can help us recognize and value the humanity of those with whom we radically disagree?
This bold and delicious Moqueca Baiana (Brazilian fish stew) cooks up in less than thirty minutes.
The State of Our Friendships
Vol 40 | No 3
- How do you define friendship?
- What makes good boundaries in friendship?
- Would you ever consider formalizing a friendship in any way? For what reason(s)?
- Can friendship be made into a political policy?
- Do you find friendship to be an aid to creativity or a hindrance? Or both?
- Do you welcome “brutal friends”? Reflect on a time when you were grateful for a friend’s correction.
- Has a friendship ever cost you?
We have yet to meet someone who doesn’t love these Banh Mi Bowls.
Remember the Spheres
Vol 40 | No 2
- How many dimensions do you feel your life has at present? What are they?
- Which sphere seems most abnegated today? What does our common life lose as a result? What would it take to reactivate it?
- What examples of healthy cross-pollination have you observed in our public life today? Where have norms been blurred or switched in unhealthy ways?
- What has had more of a formative influence on your loves and commitments: spheres or “scenes”?
- What sources do you go to for greater integration between head, heart, and helping hand? What additional sources could you try?
- Where do the communities in your life overlap? Where do you wish they would or wouldn’t?
Break your Lenten fasts and celebrate the spheres with CrĂŞpes Suzette.