A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
It’s hard for us to speak too highly of Mars Hill Audio, the great project run by Ken Myers. Their latest release, for instance, includes talks by James Davison Hunter (author of To Change the World), and by James K.A. Smith, with whom Myers debates a fully-orbed concept of “worldview.”
. . . Readers in the Greater Toronto Area, particularly Hamilton, should mark their calendars for an upcoming conference featuring Dr. John Perkins, the famous community reconciliation and renewal leader from the American south. Taking place Friday, May 7 at the new Perkins Centre, the Hope & Homes Gala is sponsored by Homestead Christian Care. Visit hscc.ca for more information.
. . . The Center for Public Justice in Washington, D.C. is hosting Civitas 2010 and The Civitas School in July: concurrent one-week experiences about Christian faith and politics.
. . . Recently on Cardus Audio: Hope International president Peter Greer, “The Poor Will Be Glad“; and Gideon Strauss from Jubilee 2009, “Isaiah 60, Barack Obama, and a New Era of Responsibility“.
. . . And finally, After Hours this week, vampires, encyclicals and eye candy.