A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
Another reminder of the Christian Alliance for Orphans’ Summit VI, slotted for April 29-30 in Minneapolis, featuring music from Steven Curtis Chapman and a keynote by John Piper.
. . . You have heard Cardus Audio, right? Replacing our old think CD series, Cardus Audio recently featured two popular Comment authors (Steven Garber and Andi Ashworth) reading their own works. Now you can get enjoy Comment while driving, without endangering life and limb! And hey, we got the RSS feed fixed last week!
. . . And finally, After Hours this week, Alissa kept up the conversation on “making creativity routine,” Robert joined with Thomas Farr to criticize President Obama’s progress on international religious freedom,” and Milton picked up on a favourite Cardus topic: book publishing.