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. . . Comment associate editor Alissa Wilkinson doubles as editor of The Curator, published by International Arts Movement. She recommends the following popular pieces from The Curator‘s recent publications: “An American Beer Garden” by Brian Watkins, “Letter to a Young Poet” by Daniel Nayeri, and “McCain, Barack, and 30 Rock” by Alisa Harris.
. . . Finally, do not forget International Arts Movement’s Encounter ’09, February 26-28 in downtown Manhattan. Group registration discounts are also available. The event will include featured presenters include US Poet Laureate (2001-2003) Billy Collins, philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff, jazz pianist Helen Sung, legendary dance company Limon Dance, performance painter Eva Flatscher, artist and IAM founder Makoto Fujimura, actor and writer Susan Isaacs, and journalist Alice Rhee. Register at www.iamencounter.com.