A wunderkammer of discoveries, compiled by Comment and illuminated for our readers’ edification and entertainment. We do not necessarily endorse the external content below.
Comment passes its deepest regrets to the family of Gerald Folkerts, renowned Winnipeg artist, who lost his battle with brain cancer on June 3rd, 2009.
Gerald graciously contributed the cover image to a recent Comment print issue. He leaves behind his wife, Arlis, and four children. He will be missed.
. . . LAST CALL FOR POETS: Comment Magazine invites poets to submit contributions in the form of a rondeau suitable for publication in our September print issue. This will be our fourth annual “Making the Most of College” issue, and the submitted poems should in some way be connected with that theme, or with the beginning of the school year. Our poetry judges will select three of the submitted rondeaux for publication and offer pre-publication editorial advice to the poets. One of the selected rondeaux will be published on the first page of the September issue, and its poet awarded a prize of CDN $50. Two other winners will be published elsewhere in the magazine.
Email submissions or questions to dpostma@cardus.ca by June 15, 2009.
. . . Comment friend Jon Swerens has resurrected an article of his “In Defense of Fake Authenticity,” about a suburban pizza parlour imitating an old city building.
. . . Finally, Cardus Senior Fellow Stanley Carlson-Thies reflects on the faith-based initiative of the Bush administration.