This year London’s St. Pancras Station “Christmas Tree” deserves those scare quotes, because it isn’t a tree and isn’t Christmassy. But it’s kinda cool! – a 3D vertical compilation of London’s architectural landmarks. Here is a much larger image.

“The stampmaking trade was huge and its practitioners often designed their own typefaces. Wilson learned that it was routine to make stamps of common words such as ‘cotton,’ ‘yards’ or ‘bleached’ in many different languages, such as Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Hindu, etc.”
Lincoln Mullen is here to tell us which Bible verses were most often quoted in the nineteenth century.
A fascinating post by my friend and colleague Philip Jenkins on Jesus, Hanukkah, and winter storms.
A remarkable tale: “But Wilson pushed on, knuckles white. He would not turn back, and he had no intention of crashing into the Arabian Sea. He sought a larger goal, a quest he believed to be his God-given destiny: to crash his plane into Mount Everest.”
I must admit, the idea of retiring to the dark skies of West Texas to build my own private observatory sounds pretty appealing. The skies out there are amazing.
Here’s my friend Tish Harrison Warren with a wonderful idea: an organization you’ll want to support, either at Christmastime or any time.
I posted a couple of reflections on writing in books: one and two.
The music tag on my blog is one of my favorites.